Thursday, August 03, 2006


I am in a blogging slump. Not much going on to write about, at least that I can share just yet.. No awesome calls to report. Tonight has been one exasperating call after another.

Why is it that the more desperate and volatile the situation is, the higher the likelihood your RP has no clue where they are? and English isn't their first language? and they forget to mention the knife/gun until you're about to hang up?

Here's the one that takes the cake tonight.

"Dispatch." [The call came in on our personal in-house line]
[Female sniffing] "I need someone to help me."
"Ok, what's the problem?"
"My boyfriend was just stabbed."
[I sit bolt upright, immediately ticked at whoever dumped this call on me without saying they were transfering someone. (Turned out to be a jailer)]
"Where are you?"
"I don't know. We were coming from the casino. I think I'm on S-- St."
"What is the nearest corner street where you are?"
[crying] "I don't know. I can't see a sign, but I can see the casino from right here."
[If I had a nickle for every RP that said they were "right here", I would be rich.]
"Is he still breathing?"
[sniff] "I think so."
"Ok. What's your cell phone number?"
"I don't know it, just send somebody quick."
- click -

Now I am ready to scream. She called on a line that doesn't show her location or her number, and she didn't know it so I have no way to call her back. She didn't know where she was, and hung up before I could ask anything else. Officers checked the area for 20 minutes without finding anyone. Hospitals were notified, and we are still waiting for a 'victim' to turn up.

My calls have been like this all night. I think I may take up boxing.


Sir said...

"at least that I can share just yet"? 'Sounds mysterious..

Point your sister in the direction of my wife's new blog:

I believe you were asking about it earlier, and she didn't have one at the time. :)


Wadical said...

Boxing is good. Man, that's a great idea. Think I'll promote a Public Safety boxing league. Yeah. I can think of a dozen people off the top of my head who's ass I'd like to kick...I mean who I'd like to spar with.

Rebecca said...

Those calls, where someone really seems to need help and you just don't know where they are, are the absolute worst!

HotRodHanna said...

I think it must be the feeling of helplessness that drives us crazy. We have so many resources at our command, and yet for whatever reason we cant get it to them. And goodness knows,, I hate not being in control of things!! at work! umm yeah, that's what I meant.. just at work.

PJ said...

Stupidity is free. Isn't it wonderful!