Thursday, August 17, 2006

Creatures Great and Small

I have seen all kinds of great critters since I have been out here in NJ. I actually saw dolphins at the beach yesterday! We went down to OC and they were swimming around the surfers. It was really cool seeing them "in the wild" rather than in a big tank at Sea World. I saw my first groundhog too! He was sitting on a hill on the side of the freeway, I thought it was a really bold raccoon at first, but then saw the coloring was all wrong. They are a lot bigger than I imagined. Today over morning coffee, we saw a deer walk thru E's front yard. Very cool. He was just munching on the grass, minding his own business, like he always came there for breakfast. I love animals, and we've always had a pet (or two or three) running around the house. However, I have been told... that should I move back east, my precious Squeek can't come with me. So, its good to know there is a wealth of wildlife out here to enjoy.


Gliterwolf said...

You should look at some of my earlier blogs. I put many pictures of the animals I have been seeing out here in Idaho up.

Anonymous said...

Squeek sure is missing you! She practically climed into my lap while I was having dinner tonight. Very sweet, but there may also have been an ulterior motive.

Wadical said...
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Wadical said...

Ahhhh, the cuddly little groundhog....humph! My good friend is heading up north next week to do his part in ridding the planet of those pesky little vermin that kill cattle and ruin farm equipment and infest valuble farm land. He's a distinguished member of the 'Red Mist Club'. They shoot those little rodents with high powered rifles from amazing distances. Sound's fun 'eh? Now that's a vacation!

Wadical said...

Cattle step on the ground weakened by the shallow tunnels dug by ground hogs, when the ground collapses, the cattle fall in and break their legs. A cow with a broken leg is a dead cow. Same goes for farm equipment. They really are expensive little vermin to have on your land. They proliferate by the people make a sport out of shooting as many as possible.