Man, that sounds weird to say. I'm home... and its 30 degrees outside. It's
deceivingly sunny, but when you get close to a window you can feel the cold air and hear the wind howling. I really do feel like a California pansy now. The ground outside is frozen and feels like concrete when you walk on the grass... makes a cool 'crunch' sound, which probably means I'm killing the grass as I go goosestepping through it. What can I say? This is all new to me. I've also concluded that one of those things that starts your car (read as heater/defroster) remotely is more important than a dining room table. This is a partial view from our kitchen window. See that white patch? Yes! Its snow. This is going to take some getting used to.
We made it home late Friday night. We initially thought we wouldn't make it back till Sunday afternoon, but we kept pluggin' along..(and the navigator is really bad at math and she may have miscalculated the mileage by a teeny bit). We made 2 sightseeing stops, the Alamo in San Antonio, and New Orleans. The Alamo was pretty cool, if your not interested in history it would be ho-hum, but hubby and I liked it.
I really wanted to see New Orleans. Sis and I went a few months before Katrina so I wanted to see how it had changed. The French quarter looked about the same, except for the noticeable absence of people. The streets were dead. Perhaps it was because it was quite cool that day, or maybe this is an off season for them, but it felt really strange. You could still hear the jazz music sis liked as we walked the streets, but it had a softer, dis
tant sound, not the flamboyant energy it once did. I went back to the hat shop! Thank goodness it was still in tact. Poor hubby just sat in a chair while gawked and gaped at each work of art. And, much to his delight, I left empty handed. Maybe next time. On the way out of town we witnessed more evidence of Katrina's fury.
We had surprises waiting when we got home. Someone had put balloons and tacks behind the door which would create a loud noise when you opened it. Thankfully, I have a cautious hubby who suspected something was afoot and opened it veeerrry carefully. I also found the mustard packets under the toilet seats, and the hose that shoots water all over when you go to flush. It was pretty funny. They did a few other things I wont post in cyberspace, but all in all we had a good laugh.
We called the movers to see when my things would be arriving, and they said not till the 12th-14th. AAACK! Another week and a half living out of my suitcase. I have 2 pairs of shoes, a few t-shirts, 2 skirts, 2 sweaters and 3 pairs of pants. THANK GOODNESS I packed my long underwear in my suitcase, or I would be a popsicle right now. I have nighties coming out my ears but no clothes to wear!! Guess I'll have to stay in the house. :)
Hubby went back to work today. Woohoo! I told him not to take it the wrong way... but I was really glad to get some quiet time! After 2 weeks in such close proximity... I need space! I do have things to keep me busy though. The house needs a good cleaning, and things need to be moved around a little. He did clear out a closet and some drawer space for me! I was quite impressed, but the project isn't done yet. He wanted help finding something to wear Sunday, and in the process we added about 4 shirts to the Goodwill pile that he hadn't worn in years and didn't even fit. I'm pretty sure there are others lurking in a couple closets that can be added as well. Remember bomber jackets? Navy suit coats with lots of gold buttons? Flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up? Yep, sleeves were still rolled. I suppose someone would have laughed themselves silly at the stuff I weeded out of my closet a few months ago too, so I should be quiet.
I am working on posting pics on Flickr, first I thought I lost the picture CDs or that they were packed in boxes, but I found them. Its just a matter of finding the time to upload them!
Hey, at least it's sunny! Here in Walla Walla it can be foggy for a whole month, with no sunshine. Right now its cloudy and 30 degrees. Its been that way for a couple of weeks now, with a couple of sunny days. I know about cleaning out closets with out of date clothes, too. LOL I probably got rid of about half of the stuff Matt had in his closet. :) Lots of fun trying to get everything organized, not! The bad winters are worth the beautiful springs and autumns around here. I'm not sure how Dorothy is, but they probably have prettier springs and autumns than Hemet!
Mary Leland
Congrats and glad everything seems to be going well.... just remember dont take your car to the car wash if the temp is below freezing. Its not a good idea :)
Hey, saw your wedding pic's on flicker, looks like it was an awsome day, Congrats!
Anna (used to be Clark)
Thanks for the car wash tip! My poor car is filthy from the road trip, but the car wash had a little hand written sign in the window that just said "Closed. Too cold" I can't say I've ever seen that before!
Hi Mary! You have a blog?
Nope, no blog. Maybe someday if we get a faster internet connection. My husband already thinks I spend too much time on the internet and all I do is check out everyone elses blogs! It would be fun to have one, though. I wouldn't have too many interesting things to post. People would probably get tired of me talking about how sleep deprived I am! lol :)
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