Originally uploaded by joleesikora.
Yep. Down to the wire. 5 pm on Thursday I finally finished my dress! I think I have my cell phone buttons permenantly embeded in my ear from all the use its gotten lately. Most of the relatives have arrived. Oh, and its freezing cold here. I think its warmer in NJ than it is here right now. Its been getting below freezing every night for the past week. I now I sound wimpy, but for here that is really unusual. For us 4 nights out of the year it may fall below 32F but not all in a row! So, wedding has been moved indoors. Its still on the same property, but we had to alter the decorations a bit.
This morning we are going to get our nails done, and hopefully RELAX a little. Packing is nearly done, and there are a few loose ends to tie up, but other than that..... I'm getting married tomorrow!!! Woohoo!
Got you covered on operation Blueberry.
Can't wait! :)!!
Congrats and I hope everything goes off without a hitch....however, if you read this before you go down the isle...my dad told me before my wedding "something is bound to go wrong so just accept it and laugh at it". Sure enough the runner tore halfway down the isle.
I've got pictures up!!!
Congratulations! 'Saw pics on SAJ's blog. What a beautiful wedding!
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