Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How do I love thee...

We are out of everything dessert-like in the house. So, I decided to be a good wife and make whatever Hubby wanted for dessert. But, we were out of brownie mix and no, there isn't any ice cream. So, I spent the evening making half a batch of oatmeal cookies... half of that with raisins and half with chocolate chips. And, they were a little on the well-done side. Ok, maybe I'm a so-so wife.... I just don't like raisins!

1 comment:

The Chatty Housewife said...

If you like peanut butter, make the cookies in the link above. They are the best best cookies I have ever made and turn out so yummy. Smooth peanut butter is needed.

Oh, and I cook mine as balls and then flatten them with my hand after taking them out of the oven. It makes them chewy. They should be soft still, so let them harden and cool on the pan.