Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My sense of humor

Oops. I suppose I should have warned some of you about my sense of humor. When you work with depravity, stupidity and tragedy on an hourly basis you must learn to see the humor in it or your psyche will shrivel up and die. This is my life, this is how I cope. I don't mean to be offensive, I hope you can get a few laughs and maybe even learn something! I can't count the number of times each shift my heart breaks for the voice on the other end of the line, but if I stop and let myself 'feel' for each caller I would end up in a padded room curled up in the fetal position. Laughter releases endorphines that help you feel better... and it's healthier than self-medicating! So no, I don't have a heart of stone... it's just a little jaded.


SAJ said...

I was just going to ask you if you could regal us with 911 tales. Toby's sister is a 911 operator and I'm always asking her for stories too. I hear you have some celebrity stories, are you allowed to tell those?

HotRodHanna said...

They wouldnt be any fun here w/out the names attached! Ask me in person...

Anonymous said...

test test