No, I haven't fallen off the planet. I just got back from spending a week in NJ. What a learning experience. It was cold (note to self: need more long underwear)! I spent some time with WKs friends, getting to know them, observing their social structure. I observed that they are extremely competitive about everything! It was a little amusing to watch until I realized I was going to be in the middle of it come January. I found out that WK hosts football on Sunday afternoons/evenings during the winter. Apparently no one else has HD, so they all come to his house. He spent quite a while trying to convince me that HD was the greatest thing ever. I finally saw the difference, but I think he was disappointed that I wasn't more enthusiastic. AND I learned that we get back from our honeymoon (and driving a UHaul 3000 miles) the night before Superbowl. Oh yes. Opened up a whole can 'o worms. I suppose all these adjustments are part of getting married. After living on my own, and not really answering to anybody, it's going to be hard making joint plans/decisions now. Lord, give me strength, patience and a submissive spirit.
They threw me a personal shower! It was really fun. I was blown away by ho

w many people showed up when they really don't know me all that well. I got nightgowns galore, and lots of pretty sundries. Erika hosted a beautiful party. She used my wedding colors, and had a competition for bringing the best wrapped present. She used them as part of the decor. Very cool idea- looked great, and was a fun game for guests. WK's mother won... she had a pic of WK at age 8 or so in a little frame as part of her decoration. Here is Erika and Kate, both in the wedding.
We had a design snaffoo with Kate's dress. Jane didn't think there would be enough fabric for the skirt. So I redesigned it to look more like mine, and bought more lace. It got a whole lot more complicated than it needed to be, but I wasn't sewing it. By the time I left it was coming along well. I just have to duplicate it now on the other little girls dress. And yes, 36 more days to the wedding and this is my progress to date on my dress. ACK! I have been so busy with all the other planning/preparations that the dress got put on hold. After conference Keren!! I'll actually have whole days to come and work on it!
Sorry this dumb thing won't let me add pictures. Grrr. Pics will come later I guess.
Whoops! I'll be closed for the week after Burbank! I Have family here. Oh well. kedge
No prob. I have PLENTY to keep me busy. Just let me know when your available.
Thanks for the post! It was a surprise. I wasn't expecting to hear anything until after the move to NJ.
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