Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Baby update

Sis-in-law and baby are still hanging in there! She has been confined to bed/chair rest for the past several weeks, but is required to go to Loma Linda twice a week for tests to moniter Jacob. They hook up a moniter that makes his heartbeat audible and tracks it on a moniter. It was quite funny actually. No sooner did the nurse find him and strap down the moniter over where he was, than he would move! You could hear him swishing around in there, little stinker. He did that a few times, I got a kick out of it :) His little heartbeat was really fast too, was amazing to hear. Poor R is getting tired though. He is very active, and apparently has a very long body too. A fist to the bladder, a foot into the ribs, I can't imagine its very comfortable or either party. R is supposed to keep taking the meds to stave off labor until the 20th. They also gave her 2 shots to help with the babys growth. This hospital is the best around, so I know their in good hands... but still we worry.

Little buddy knows something is up. He has been especially hyper lately, almost manic sometimes.. he is so cheerful that it's not immediately apparent but you can tell he knows something isnt right. He was at the hospital (the "big building" to him) with Grandma J waiting for R to finish her test, and SJ said that they needed to go "check on mommy, and make sure she is ok". Boy did he pick up on that! So then he kept saying it, "go check on mommy, see if mommy ok". When he was at grt-grandmas with mom, he had to keep cking to see if grandpa was still there. Then he would hang out with him for a while, then go running inside to make sure grandma was still there too. Kids arent dumb. He knows somethings up, poor guy. I hate that he is worried. This is why people are crazy if they think kids dont sense tension or trauma in a family. They pick up on everything, they may not understand exactly what the problem is, but they feel the emotions and the energy that are generated.

Please keep praying for their family, and that R and Jacob had hang tight for another few weeks!


ioi said...

Thank you for the update. I'm glad to hear they're still hanging in there!

Becky said...

I have to have a stress test on my baby next week to see if everything is ok. I'll be 5 days over due at next wednesday's appointment. Thanks for sharing.