Friday, September 07, 2007

The Perfect Fitting Jeans

I was reading Diagonally Parked's blog and checked out the website that she found called It is a fantastic site for all of us who are not built exactly like the models they fashion clothes for. I would love to take a good look at the woman they supposedly create size 10 clothes for. Anyway, you can find jeans, pants and BRAS!! You put in your measurements, and problem areas and they search for the best fitting product for your body type, and tell you where you can find it. Wahoo! Thanks Rebekah!


Kedge said...

I tell my frustrated clients that I think they make all clothes for women who are shaped like beach balls or trees.

The Chatty Housewife said...

Looks like a neat site! Thanks for sharing.

Rebekah said...

You are welcome. Jean season will be here soon. *sigh*

The Chatty Housewife said...

Jean season never ends for me. I always find it cold in our house unless we have company and I am bustling around, or just came in from exercising or something. I went to the site, put in all my answers, and my favorite pair of jeans was on the second screen. I love them and already have a pair! I think they program must be pretty accurate.